Sunday, June 3, 2012

What Notion Is Our Nation

The more things change, the more they stay the same. 2000 years ago, the "government" realized that if they did not control Jesus, His teachings, and His followers that they would lose their power over the people. This is seen in scripture, John 11:48 "If we let Him go on like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.” True, this verse references the Romans, but you could just as easily apply it today and substitute the word Romans with "The People".

 The Federal Government thrives on 2 conditions that they count on from its citizens: ignorance and apathy. As Born Again Believers in Christ, we should not be either of those. Yet, it is far too prevalent. Over time we have allowed our government to make legal, and acceptable, removal of God from the classroom, the teaching of Evolution over Creationism, abortion, and gay marriage just to name a few.

 I list removal of God from the classroom first because this is how the degeneration gets started. Removing God and the Bible from the classroom opened the door to teach the idea of Darwin and the Theory of Evolution. Without Biblical truth to stand on, many children will be persuaded and believe this idea of evolution . If they believe there is a God, they obtain a skewed vision of God as being some vicious dictator who just wants to tell everyone else what to do in order to make everyone miserable and ruin their lives (wait, I digress... for a second I thought I was describing our government).

The Government is smart.. they realize what Proverbs 22:6 said long ago "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."   The Government knows that if a child is endoctrinated with their ideas that the child will retain those ideas into adulthood. Each idea builds to another. Teaching of evolution over creation, devalues life which opens up the door for acceptance of abortion because after all it's not a created baby in there, it is just a mess of tissue.

The Government is also smart in knowing that if it can keep the people away from God and His teachings that the people will become desensitized to what was going on around them, which creates a state of apathy. They know that if the people look to God for their strength and answers to their problems (not Government) , that it will take the power that they thrive on away from them and turn it back to God (and God's people).

 So two question remains  .. are we still a Christian Nation and does anyone still care?

1 comment:

  1. We are a Christian Nation from the perspective that is how our nation was founded. But I fear that fewer people care about our history and are allowing others to further their agenda to remove God from our core being. Apathy is a tool Satan uses to accomplish his goals...more reasons why Christians should be encouraged to educate themselves on political candidates and current events and use their vote wisely.
